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Speed Leo speed cleaning system
Speed Leo speed cleaning system

Speed Leo speed cleaning system

Speed Leo speed cleaning system
Technical data
It isn’t that hard to make a mess in the kitchen. One of the most annoying things are crumbs and litter which can be found on your kitchen top. Among cunning helpers which make it easier for you to keep your kitchen clean a new item in UST-M’s assortment stands out - Leovac Speed Leo speed cleaning system.

Speed Leo is a small device which can be installed by any Vacu USM central vacuum cleaning system’s owner e.g. in the closet under their sink. It does not take a lot of room and is very easy to install.

Our speed cleaning system includes a special box with a switch-on button and an easy-to-use, flexible hose. A special fascia panel which conceals the Speed Leo mechanism makes it look aesthetically pleasing and compatible with the kitchen interior.
All you need to do to clean up the crumbs which have accumulated on your table and around the sink is to switch the button on and soak them up with the helical hose which can be extended until it reaches 5 m of length. The crumbs shall be sucked directly to Vacu USM central unit. Once you stop working and switch the device off, you should hang the hose on special, comfortable holders, installed inside of your sink closet.
Leovac Speed Leo speed cleaning system includes a peripheral device with two plates, helical hose, two holders for the hose, fascia panel, eight fastening screws and guiding pattern which makes it easier for you to install the device. If the helical hose from the Speed Leo set is not long enough to clean the whole kitchen you can replace it with a traditional one which is longer – you can treat the Speed Leo hose inlet as an extra suction socket.It is possible to install Speed Leo in a drawer – e.g. in the furniture plinth.
Catalogue no.: - 4786
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